& Kickstart Your Art Business
Avoid doing it all on your Own and get this Mindset Shifting Video Course with step by step Guidance to set your foundations
This Video Course helps you To Take The Anxiety
Out Of Art Business Building through activating 'Response-ability'

Why wait? Start now and you'll be further ahead than later!

I am a huge believer in the importance of helping you thrive inside out, rather than living by an outside in point of view. Meaning, you have to proactively attend your true interests, needs, desires and emotions, from within and not leave it to the outside world, as your emotional, mental and physical wellbeing really depends on it. It won't fall on your lap.

You know life really is about unlearning and putting a break on letting the autopilot take over.  Good things take conscious actions and decision making, that the default ways of working, for every human being, won't ever be able to give you!

Yes there is a default version of us, the unconscious and a proactive version of us that acts through free will. But you have to become the oserver and then respond, rather than react.

That is why self actualization through your inner observer is so important, because if you don't actualize your true self, you will be living a life that is based on your default mode, which is mainly fears, worries, doubts and you get the picture.

But self actualization only happens when you start taking response-ability serious. Yes, taking responsibility for your life to the fullest by strengthening your ability to respond rather than react. That is the key of the keys y'all!

It goes down to really be all about trusting the process and being ready to take on the challenge when they arise and respond, rather than react.  It is using your mind to act through your heart and soul, it takes courage to proactively respond rather than fear-led react.

"Art has been stigmatised in the past, but this is ending right now!"

Now you may be asking yourself, what has responding got to do with me creating my art business and dream life?


Because the difference between a successful entrepreneur, no matter in what area of work is the ability to respond rather than react. It is you becoming the cause rather than the effect by not just believing in yourself but by truly having certainty in your accomplishments of your goals if you simply respond rather than react. Because reactions are an emotional memory trigger, through past trauma and categorzied 'bad experiences' in your system. They are stored as inner images within and will trigger you the moment anything may even slightly seem to confront that memory again. It is a fear based reaction.

Responses, are the result of you going beyond your physical reaction and becoming the chooser, of what you are going to do to create the best possible outcome for this situation.

Boom, and that is the best you can do in every moment!

In Business this is crucial, in a life where you live on your terms that is non-negotiable. So, I invite you to think about this, you taking responsibility for your life when you become the creator by responding, after taking your actions through a filter first. Not a fear based filter, but the one that is able to determine if you are aligned to your heart and soul, which will inevitably challenge your fears and doubts.

So where there is a fear or a doubt or a worry be sure to challenge it and to commit to a life that is heart based, doing what you love and taking full response-ability for your outcomes, because only then can you make the most out of it.

If you feel you have no control over things and you are merely a victim to things, you will not get the energy and answers within you to change the situation, to grow through it.

Artists have been under-represented in the past, where art was just considered a hobby or a 'nice to have', but not as a career and this does not have to be true unless that is the reality you choose.

Your art and ideas are here for a reason. As an Art Therapist, I know that art is a human basic need, one that heals and takes a role in the persons personal development. It may be that art accompanies you because you love it, you create it for yourself, it may what keeps you sane or that keeps you happy.

It could be that art for you is a healing process, or started as one. Art does not have to become a business, but it al depends on how you want to live your life, how your soul wants you to live your life.  Only you know that.

If you daydream yourself away into thinking about being a full time artist and leaving your job, then that is a sign that your soul is yearning for that and has the potential to do that.

There is no reason why you shouldn't be able to create a business with it.
Business is really a give and receive contract, that stands through a relationship.
Business is not bad, money is not bad. Business does require responsibility, but as I said earlier it is also a path that pushes you to be more of who you are meant to be, who you already are inside. There is no need to keep yourself small, because if you do, if you wish you could but don't then it is because you have limiting beliefs about yourself and your potential and talents and a lack of trust.

All that can be worked on!

Aswell, a big factor for artists not to try can be that we don't naturally carry the Business Know How most often, which is necessary to attain when you want to make a business out of your creativity. But it is only something you can learnt and get better at, if you don't start you won't ever learn that.

That is why I wanted to create something more for you to create in your own time, without needing to invest a lot of money, but something that can help you create those foundational settings you need, where you feel a bit lost with.

You see it is not your fault, Art and business never were naturally matched and as kids we were usually not shown how to be the artists and creators of our lives, (entrepreneurs in their world) and especially not with their art, plus the interests for an artist is with the art and the musings of the world, rather than being business oriented by interest, but rather about enjoyment, expression and communication.

That doesn't mean, the Business side cannot be learnt to a certain degree and even mastered, and with some form of structure and goal orientation and ESPECIALLY passion and persistence, an Artist can successfully run a Business. BUT You have to dissolve your internal obstacles! The quicker you attend them the quicker you are able to succeed with the Business side of things.

The society we knew till date, taught us to choose a job that pays the bills and choose that job until we die. We are also taught that if you love something you shouldn't get paid for it 'because that is unethical'.

I know that you may already know this inside, but let me spell it out for you...: THAT IS WRONG!

We have been fooled all along! It is not the way life has to be! In the industrial revolution, it became the norm to have long days for minimal wages. People were given job that didn't have jobs before, but also people who had home offices until then, all of a sudden worked in big factories, the rich got richer and big companies created monetary breakthroughs because of the industrialisation, where machines started doing the work that before individual people did.

Now, before it was innately ingrained that you had your own business, industrialisation changed this and this became a norm, but again it doesn't mean you can't step out of that reality and make something of your own.

The subconscious information we have been fed and been conditioned with causes internal struggles for many artists and people around the world.

That is why it is powerful to attend the Subconscious mind! And as Artists, you know there is no better way than Art to show you your internal world!

There are still many places around the world where people judge other people for pursuing a career in the arts, nevertheless go out to create your own business!

It's absolutely crazy!

Either, artists wanting to make a career with their art are 'sell-outs' or they will be 'starving'! 'Art is not a career!' Ever heard that? Some people even laughed at the idea.

But let me tell you all of the above is changing!

The Consciousness Shift we have been experiencing is the era for artists rising!

People that judge artists as sell outs judge because of their own pain of not self actualizing with their passion, sometimes it is a fear that keeps them from doing what they love and then they judge other people for doing what they subconsciously would want for themselves.

The Starving Artist Mentality is also tied to that, BECAUSE of people fearing to go for what they would love to do, they either don't do it and then try to prove that others also can't do it OR they try it half-heartedly and stop because they didn't follow through and then want to prove others that it doesn't work because it didn't work for them!

Now I am not saying that life doesn't come in the way and diverts people from pursuing their dreams sometimes, because it does happen, life gets in the way, something painful can happen and the energy then drifts away focusing on the situation that has arisen, which is also part of the souls path.

BUT I am here to remind you that you can still change things around IF IT TRULY CALLS YOU and decide to live the life you desire! As long as you are alive you have a chance!

Let me tell you, the amount of belief systems people have internalized as if they were true and don't question them is massive! But once you understand that this exists, that you can change those beliefs that are limiting you in your life choices, you have the power!

Old Belief systems, such as
'you can't make Art as a Career!' are crumbling and proven wrong!

Now you can realise your potential more than ever!

Personally, my life changed, when I decided to accept the calling I felt for years, but kept pushing away and started to see my unconscious drivers, so I could choose consciously a different path.

In the pastI was always naturally pushed to create art, but I pushed it away because I thought you couldn't make money with art and so I chose to study fashion design.

I naturally was inclined to be passionate about spirituality and psychology and everything to do with that, but I never acknowledged it as something that meant I was supposed to dedicate my life towards a profession helping people. It was so obvious, but I took it so for granted, that I never listened! Until it was time to make changes, because of not finding fulfillment in what I was doing!

I then acknowledged my mission to help people and to go back to the roots and be surrounded by art. Life felt so easy all of a sudden, so light! It's crazy to think about how much it took for me to let go of the idea I should be doing Fashion.

This led me to help artists around the world to self actualize into who they were born to be and create what they were born to create.

me that mission was loud and clear as soon as I allowed myself to surrender to it.

As an artist myself, I understand the struggles of being different, seeing things differently and oftentimes feeling like a failure or not good enough. This is only because artists think and learn and see differently but have been pushed to fit into a society that is catered for non-artists, productivity and labour driven, mainly everything that artists  typically don't identify with.

Now I don't want to stereotype, but I know that there are differences.

Previously, the world hasn't catered for any kind of Diversity and that includes Neurodiversity. It is not uncommon that artists are neurodivergents, which by the way is no disorder, but comes with struggles when not attended or not taken serious. I recently discovered that I am an  ADHDer. Before I would just call myself a highly sensitive artistic person, which I would still call this way, but interestingly enough it was a liberating experience to discover that there are explanations for the way I operate, over which I felt highly guilty and ashamed of in the past, because of extreme procrastination issues, time blindness, addictions and other things, where the list goes on....

Don't try to push a square into a triangle shaped hole! Don't try to be someone you are not in order to fit into the world!


In order to thrive, you have to see the person for who THEY are and support them in that, therefore knowing that everyone is UNIQUE, while working WITH them, rather than trying to CHANGE them, is key!

That is why I am doing this, I am doing this for my tribe and that brings me joy, purpose and fulfilment!

If you feel Art calling you,
why not listen to what it has to say?

Rise with your Art and make waves with your Creativity!

~ The time has come where the world wakes up to individuality and uniqueness, a thriving ground for Artists to rise and come out of hiding!

Creativity is your Biggest Asset & greatest fulfilment!

~Your mental, emotional and physical wellbeing depends on your ability to self actualize.

Everyone can self actualize into their purpose and live their truth, but many don't because of lack of support, that when the fear of failure, not fitting in, fear of success kicks in you need to move through it!
Kickstart Your Art Business
Finally! See below How you can receive the Born to Create Video Course for free... Now!

All you need to do is register below for the Video Course  and you can get started with the Training right away (even if it's 2:00 a.m. in the morning!).

Now, this offer can't last forever, the Video Course is  only $1 because of the Fearless Artist Challenge coming up and I am gifting it to you to help you on your pursuit of your Art based life... So don't wait!

Here's what you're going to get right now with the "Born to Create's Kickstart Your Art Business Video Course" Workshop and Training:

Act Now and you get:

  • 1.Instant Access To Born to Create's Kickstart  your Art Business Video Training Foundations Module
    - covering Your Message
    - defining your Lower Hanging Fruit Art
    - defining your Lower Hanging Fruit Buying Market
    - defining your consistent Pricing Strategy

  • ​2. Instant Access to the Legacy Creation Module for creating the Mindset you need to succeed in your purpose led Life with your Art

  • ​3. Instant Access to the Zoom link for the interactive Kickstart Your Art Business Workshop  
Let "Born to Create's Kickstart Your Art Business Foundations Workshop and complimentary Video Course" help you set up your Art Business Foundations so you can go out and find Buyers for your Art Business too!

Just click the button to get started instantly.

For only $99
Thriving as an Artist in 2021
is ALL about Desire & Persistence
to find Solutions for your current challenge
Yes... it's crazy I am giving this for $99 because of all the work, time and sweat I put into this. But I want to this be available to as many artists as possible. It's a framework that took years to emerge...

This is the result of being a passionate Art Therapist, Artist Coach and Artist and always up to date to ever changing Trainings for Artists, Tips and Tricks and ultimately timeless Coaching incentives and Tools to go through to ask yourself those powerful questions to make sure you are walking YOUR Path!

That is why the workshop is part of this process! Find the answers customised to your needs!

This Video Course Reveals Secret To Create Art
As Your Main Income
In fact...
Never Suffer lack of Belief In Your Art Again
Artists use it to create the Basis for everything you can dream of, like:
  • ​lowering stress levels from doing multiple jobs you don’t enjoy
  • ​connecting with likeminded people who inspire and support you
  • ​creating the time for the things and people you actually want to enjoy your time with
  • ​creating a business so you can create more art
  • ​being your own boss and have nobody tell you how to live your life
  • ​finding confidence in yourself and expressing yourself authentically, which sheds many layers of who you are not
  • ​unburdening yourself from who you think you SHOULD be and what things you SHOULD do
Discover For Yourself All The Ways You Can Create More Time To Make More Art.
What has been written about Maria's work
Working with Maria has been an experience of real growth for me. When I started working with Maria I wanted to get myself to the stage of selling my Art, I wanted to better understand how to approach commercialising my Art in a way that was true to me. During our weekly calls, she gave me lots of insights into different approaches I could take to selling my Art. As part of this, she gave me access to her online course which is full of knowledge and insight. She also helped me develop my confidence as an artist as well as creating structures for approaching selling my works. As a result of working with Maria, I am now close to finishing the first body of work. I look forward to continuing to work with Maria

Farouk Alao, Multidisciplinary Artist, Ireland

"The thought -provoking questions gave me insights I was lacking about how to specifically move towards my goal of making a business with my art... as a commission based artist and art teacher. Very recommended!!!"

Andy, Artist, San Francisco

8 months ago I had no clue about my potential. Today I know it! Thank you Maria and Art of You"

Helma, Shaman Medium

Maria challenges you with extraordinary outside of the box thinking, intuition and tools which give you directions to live your life the way you really want to live!"

Claudia, Entrepreneur

Oh, yes!! She is so refreshing and gives totally valuable tips to create your own life's masterpiece... Easy, easy, easy!!!"

Alexis, Germany

her unconditional love, support and guidance is something I'll be forever grateful for...

Hollie Shardlow, Sky Spa Entrepreneur, Nutritionist, PT, Cardiff

In only four sessions I was able  to move forward from a financial issue that has plagued me for years, literally

Maureen, Trader, UK

When You Get the Kickstart your Art Business Video Course
You'll Get All Of These Modules & Bonuses!
Module #1
Instant Access To Born to Create Video Course's - Quick and Easy Set Creative Profitable & lasting Foundations Secrets for Artists - Module
Create profitable Foundations
To Make More Art In 30 Days - Or Your Money Back!
Total Value: $197
This Course with Videos, Audio's and Worksheets, is the secret for you to get clarity on what your calling is, who you are as an artist, who your buyers are and if you want to know what your 'low hanging fruit' are, whether you want to sell commissions, original or prints, or all of the above... Set yourself apart from every other artist and align to the path meant for you only.
Here you will set your prices and craft your message.
Module #2
Instant Access to The Artists Survival Guide for Business Success and Growth
Create an unstoppable Mindset for the pursuit of your Art Practice!
Total Value: $197
This training program is your key to build the creative business mindset you need to go along with your creative skills in order to keep you and your art business growing and result in business success and will show you how you can hit the ground running and get your Art business growing fast and stop ‘wishing' you could run your own art business and actually get it done (faster than you ever dared to dream).

This is about creating the Legacy Creation Mindset that helps you to take action and to be able to deal with rejection sensitivity, bounce forward, beat the starving artist mentality & create for the long term.
Module #3
Expand your Reach
& get Exposure for your Art with Press Releases
Easy Way To Write A Press Release:
Total Value: $197
- Bring extra attention to your Art 
- Get Instant Exposure for your Art Site   online
- Create more traffic to your Website 
- Create worldwide reach  
- PR distributed by Art Blogs and Art News sites 
- Improve your Branding online of your Art 
- SEO Benefits 
- Increase your Sales of Your Art or Art Service
- Great Marketing Addition to your launches
Bonus #1
Get a copy of the Born to Create ebook - An Artists Guide to thriving with their gifts and create their Legacy
These are my thoughts and I am telling my story about dealing with Neurodivergence, not knowing who I was, struggling with addiction and ultimately overcoming it and finding my purpose.
This ebook shares Marias thoughts about Creativity and inspires you to live your purpose through your creativity!
Bonus #2
The Artist's Guide to Beat Procrastination,
Self Doubt & Free yourself from Artist's Block
Break Through Artist's Block And Be Sure To Keep your energy Moving Guide

This Audio  is the secret artist's block giving you some incentives on what to do when this is the case, helping you in case you are prone to procrastination or easily overwhelmed.

Also Join the Private
FB Group
Instant Access to the Born to Create FB Artists Lounge Community
Ask questions, get Live Calls and an interactive Community

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Here is the Guarantee
If the Kickstart Your Art Business Video Course doesn't help you get more clarity on how to set foundations for your Art business & career... if it doesn't to do this from the comfort of your home... or if it fails to help you gain more confidence to  reach a wider Audience and therefore NOT kickstart your Art Business even if you committed and applied yourself... do let me know, you will get your money back, I am happy to receive feedback and see where I can help you!
All the risk is squarely on our shoulders.

You have nothing to lose and all the success to gain with the Kickstart your Art Business Workshop and Video Course!

Here's One Last Recap Of Everything You'll Get today When You Order My Kickstart Your Art Business Workshop.

YES Maria! Give Me Instant Access To The Training RIGHT NOW For Just $99
  Quick & Easy Set Profitable Foundations Secrets for Artists 
​ Instant Access to The Artists Survival Guide for Business Success and Growth
​ Instant Access to Easy Way to Write A Press Release
  The Artist's Guide to Beat Procrastination, Self Doubt & Free yourself from Artist's Block 
  Full Access To Born to Create eBook 
Instant Access to the Born to Create FB Artists Lounge Community 
Today for $99
Here's to your success with kickstarting your Art Business!

Love & Light,

Maria-Katharina Richters

Let's get started today!

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ONE TIME OFFER - Only $3: Here you will get a step by step script to help you draft your messages to Gallersists and write an Artists Business Proposal for Galleries Template and some hints at how to connect with Art collectors and find the right fit for a Gallery and have Art Collectors buy from you

Everything Your Going To Get
  • ​Quick & Easy Set Profitable Foundations Secrets for Artists   
  • ​Instant Access to The Artists Survival Guide for Business Success and Growth
  • ​ ​ Instant Access to Easy Way to Write A Press Release
  • ​ Get a copy of the Born to Create ebook - An Artists Guide to thriving with their gifts and create their Legacy
  • ​The Artist's Guide to Beat Procrastination,
    Self Doubt & free yourself from Artist's Block

  • ​Instant Access to the Born to Create FB Artists Lounge Community 
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